Ever wondered what it feels like to fall in a pool of acid? Well, wonder no more! (sort of)
Before I ever even got my copy of "Kings of Acid" my curiosity took a nosedive once I found out it wasn't about THAT type of acid… In any case, body horror has such a rich tradition it's a damn near herculean task to find a fresh angle to take on acid baths. But holy shit did the devs do it!
You play as Artur Kerr, a klutzy and somewhat awkward rockerboy, who gets himself tangled up in a shitstrom with Maelstrom. The borg goons entrust Kerr with handling a mysterious shipment containing a protozoa capable of instantaneous regeneration. But in an unlucky twist (a painfully common occurrence for our hero), a rival gang ambushes the exchange at a corp science lab and Kerr is pushed into a vat of mutagenic acid. That's when the "trip" kicks in, if you will. The rockerboy begins undergoing constant mutations – eyeballs on stalks, shifting skin, throat tentacles, and that's not even the real freaky stuff!
After every victory in combat, Artur absorbs the genetic code from the blood splatter of his foes, making the already delightful hack 'n' slash combat even more gratifying. The constantly growing spiral of possible mutations makes for a rewarding way to spend experience points and builds in strong replayability.
All in all, Kerr's ultimate motivation is seeking bloody revenge against his music producer who cost him a lucrative album deal and brutally murdered the rockerboy's boyfriend. Story and gameplay are geniously intertwined, and the pseudo-braindance implant shipped with each game copy really helps immerse players in the utterly fucked mutations, where searing pain turns to power-jacked ecstasy. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on this one!