day 67 – high temp, migraines, difficulty speaking
day 68 – high temp, migraines, delirious again
day 69 – some improvement!! Rosie isn't complaining of pain, she's eating and talking normally again --- maybe the new pills are finally working?
day 71 -an attack... acts like nothing happened. Cy's arms is broken in 2 places. GAve her a triple dose, calmed after an hour
day 72 – as always, she doesn't remember a thing. Cy (that saint of a man) lied and said it was a hit and run. She's back to normal, no more pain --- she even made us breakfast for us. Christ...
day 80 – even tho these pills are draining our bank account dry they're at least doing the job – just need to maintain a higher dose. Rosie is back to herself and only once did I think I heard her talking in an empty room. As long as she's not hurting anyone.
day 91 another attack, had to giver her 4x normal dose... why do I bother. I can't do this anymore