更新时间 2020-03-25 13:47
增404 改14 删165
增150 改0 删10
名称 | 英文名 | 任务线 |
找到另一只鞋 | Find your other shoe | 装备 |
走访餐厅经理 | Interview cafeteria manager | 调查尸体 |
检查受害人的尸体 | Inspect victim's body | 调查尸体 |
上报警徽遗失的事 | Report your badge missing | 装备 |
一天结束后跟金一起总结 | End-of-day debrief with Kim | 调查尸体 |
打给警局的检疫所 | Call your station's lazareth | 身份 |
让金跟你说说这个案子 | Ask Kim to tell you about the case | 调查尸体 |
警察对决 | The pissing competition | 身份 |
打电话报案的是谁? | Who made the call reporting the crime? | 调查尸体 |
寻找手册 | Find your paperwork | 身份 |
替塞尔维跟加尔特谈谈 | Talk to Garte for Sylvie | |
跟加尔特聊聊,爱情警督 | Talk to Garte, lieutenant Love | |
损失费 | Pay for damages | |
归还莉娜的别针 | Return Lena's pin | 赚钱 |
把典当别针的钱还给莉娜 | Pay Lena back for pin | 赚钱 |
把尸体放下来 | Getting the body down | 调查尸体 |
走访工会领袖 | Interview the Union boss | 调查尸体 |
走访野松公司代表 | Interview the Wild Pines rep | 调查尸体 |
找出工会包厢里有谁 | Find out who is in the Union box | |
在你被愚弄之前,找出那枚子弹 | Find the bullet before you get fooled | 调查尸体 |
打开垃圾箱 | Open trash container | 调查尸体 |
阅读水印 | Read the watermarks | 身份 |
认清现实 | Get a reality lowdown | 身份 |
找到租金,付给加尔特 | Find money for rent and pay Garte | 赚钱 |
谁把衣服扔进垃圾箱的? | Who put the clothes in the trash? | 调查尸体 |
受害人的纹身 | The victim's tattoos | 调查尸体 |
走访周日朋友 | Interview the Sunday friend | 调查尸体 |
阳台上的吸烟者 | The smoker on the balcony | 调查尸体 |
其余的盔甲哪里去了? | Where is the rest of the armour? | 调查尸体 |
向园艺师了解三月份的园艺工作 | Ask gardener about gardening in March | 调查尸体 |
拿到吊人的靴子 | Getting the Hanged Man's boots | 装备 |
追踪警徽 | Track down your badge | 装备 |
向‘工贼头目’询问纹身 | Ask 'Scab Leader' about tattoos | 调查尸体 |
洗掉死亡的味道 | Wash off the death smell | 调查尸体 |
执行现场尸检 | Perform field autopsy | 调查尸体 |
把受害人的尸体送检 | Send victim's body to processing | 调查尸体 |
质问义务警员 | Interrogate the vigilantes | 调查尸体 |
跟受害人聊聊 | Speak to the assault victim | 调查枪击 |
向卡拉洁询问死者的事 | Question Klaasje about the dead man | 调查枪击 |
找到神秘动物学家莫雷尔 | Find Morell, the Cryptozoologist | 竹节虫 |
门枪手精选集 | Doorgunner Megamix | 调查枪击 |
向卡拉洁询问磁带的事 | Question Klaasje about the tape | 调查枪击 |
检查卡拉洁的浮标 | Inspect Klaasje's buoy | 卡拉洁的过去 |
检查卡拉洁卧室的窗户 | Inspect the window in Klaasje's bedroom | 调查枪击 |
逮捕卡拉洁 | Arrest Klaasje | 调查凶案 |
在提图斯·哈迪面前证明自己的权威 | Prove your authority to Titus Hardie | 搜寻煽动者 |
堵车之谜 | The Jam Mystery | 搜寻煽动者 |
让提图斯说出露比的位置 | Make Titus give up Ruby's location | 搜寻煽动者 |
在周三关闭水闸 | Close the water lock on Wednesday | |
在海岸上寻找露比 | Look for Ruby on the coast | 搜寻煽动者 |
向村民打听露比 | Ask about Ruby in the village | 搜寻煽动者 |
返回褴褛飞旋 | Return to the Whirling-In-Rags | 搜寻煽动者 |
向莉莉恩的双胞胎询问小岛的事 | Ask Lilienne's twins about the island | 搜寻枪手 |
打开防护门 | Open the blast door | 搜寻枪手 |
买下坤诺的FALN运动裤 | Buy FALN pants from Cuno | 装备 |
找齐整套盔甲 | Find all armour pieces | 装备 |
在地之角跟莉莉恩见面 | Meet Lilienne at Land's End | |
Get topping pie from Gary | Get topping pie from Gary | 装备 |
找点思必得吸一下 | Find speed and sniff it | 药物 |
找点酒喝 | Find booze and drink it | 药物 |
找点烟抽 | Find smokes and smoke them | 药物 |
找到并服用吡嚯浣酮 | Find pyrholidon and slurp it | 药物 |
你是马德雷教父的傀儡吗? | Are you La Puta Madre's peone? | 身份 |
向金询问西奥数据库 | Ask Kim about Seolite database | 身份 |
询问卡拉洁周日晚上的情况 | Ask Klaasje about Sunday night | 身份 |
找到你的纹章鸟 | Find your heraldic bird | 身份 |
阅读手册,为案件命名 | Read your ledger and name the case | 身份 |
让你的文书风格化一些 | Style your paperwork | 身份 |
找出交通流氓 | Find the traffic hooligan | 身份 |
金不在场的时候跟乔伊斯聊聊灰域 | Talk to Joyce about the pale without Kim | 灰域 |
为德洛莉丝·黛献上小雕像 | Offer figurines to Dolores Dei | 身份 |
让这面墙变得更加美丽 | Add even more beauty to the wall | |
探索飞旋旅社的秘密通道 | Explore the Whirling's secret passages | |
找到白痴厄运漩涡的夹克 | Find Idiot Doom Spiral's jacket | |
找出打破僵局的方法 | Find solution to strike deadlock | |
与坤诺休战 | Make truce with Cuno | |
跟坤诺平分一‘公斤’毒品 | Split a 'kilo' with Cuno | |
唱卡拉OK | Sing karaoke | |
点燃涂鸦 | Light the graffito on fire with a burning cigarette | |
烈酒永不朽 | Spirit is enteral | |
把鸟类标本拿给加尔特 | Take stuffed bird to Garte | |
种族之谜是什么? | What is the Race Enigma? | 工会 |
帮艾弗拉特打开公寓大门 | Open apartment door for Evrart | 工会 |
帮艾弗拉特拿到两个签名 | Get two signatures for Evrart | 工会 |
哈迪与猪猪女侠 | Hardie and the Pigs | 工会 |
跟哈迪兄弟对峙贩毒的事 | Confront Hardie boys about drug trade | 工会 |
从提图斯那里了解整个故事 | Get the whole story from Titus | 罪案调查 |
特别的罗宋汤 | The special borscht | 工会 |
调查诅咒商业区 | Investigate Doomed Commercial Area | 诅咒商业区 |
找骰子匠人拿骰子 | Pick up dice from the Dicemaker | |
被诅咒的旅社? | The doomed hostel? | 诅咒商业区 |
询问雷内相片的事 | Ask René about the photo | 老绅士 |
询问地掷球玩家铃兰的事 | Ask the pétanque player about may bells | 老绅士 |
处理加斯顿在地掷球游戏中作弊的问题 | Confront Gaston, the cheater | 老绅士 |
丢失滚球的替代品 | Replace lost boule | 老绅士 |
帮助苏娜完成她的项目 | Help Soona with her project | 终焉之地 |
解决爱凡客的谜题 | Solve the Egg Head puzzle | 终焉之地 |
让阿西尔谈论她的合作人 | Get Acele to talk about her associates | 终焉之地 |
不要跟雷内和加斯顿说话 | Do Not Talk to René and Gaston | |
跟猪猪女侠对峙,拿回你的警枪 | Confront the Pigs and get your gun back | 装备 |
向艾弗拉特询问阿西尔和毒品实验室的事 | Ask Evrart about Acele and the drug lab | 终焉之地 |
检查陷阱 | Inspect the traps | 生物学家 |
失踪昆虫案 | The Missing Insects Case | 生物学家 |
Discover a new species | 生物学家 | |
找到伊苏林迪竹节虫 | Find the Insulindian Phasmid | 竹节虫 |
乔伊斯了解的私刑信息 | Joyce's info on the lynching | 调查尸体 |
查询受害人盔甲的编号 | Run the number on the victim's armour | 调查尸体 |
冰冻受害人的尸体 | Fridge victim's body | 调查尸体 |
找出盔甲手套 | Find the armoured gloves | 装备 |
追踪你的警枪 | Track down your gun | 装备 |
跟诺伊德的正弦波同步 | Sync the sines with Noid | |
帮助派对狂开一家夜店 | Help ravers start a nightclub | |
让凡·艾克更加硬核 | Make van Eyck's jam harder core | |
木板道上的尸体 | Dead body on the boardwalk | |
找到女工人的丈夫 | Find working class husband | |
向警局汇报尸体的情况 | Report the dead body to the station | |
在高射炮塔内休息 | Rest in the flak tower | 寻找枪手 |
找到发动机用的燃油 | Find fuel for the generator | 寻找枪手 |
前往小岛 | Go to the island | 搜寻枪手 |
确定动机 | Extract a motive | 寻找枪手 |
前任女工头出什么事了? | What happened to the previous forewoman? | |
Get Joyce to tell you about discovery of Insulinde | Get Joyce to tell you about discovery of Insulinde | |
把诅咒源头的事告诉普莱桑斯 | Inform Plaisance about the Source of Doom | 诅咒商业区 |
把诅咒源头的事告诉骰子匠人 | Inform Dicemaker about the Source of Doom | 诅咒商业区 |
设法让逃兵认罪 | Extract a confession from the Deserter | 搜寻枪手 |
确定子弹是从哪儿射来的 | Determine where the shot came from | 调查枪击 |
查看竹节虫 | Inspect the phasmid | 生物学家 |
找出凶器 | Find the murder weapon | 调查枪击 |
返程 | THE RETURN | 搜寻枪手 |
处理加斯顿在地掷球游戏中作弊的问题 | Address Gaston's cheating in the pétanque game | |
阳极音乐是什么? | What is anodic music? | |
帮清洁女工调查10号公寓 | Investigate apartment #10 for the cleaning lady | |
找到组织 | Get yourself organised | |
成为富人 | Become a man of plenty | |
回转时光之轮 | Turn back the wheels of time | |
组建委员会 | Take on LA RESPONSIBILITE |